United States of Europe Now



Egon Bahr, one of Germany’s elder statesmen, a close friend of Willy Brandt, writes in the Süddeutsche Zeitung of 11/15/16/2014 the following comment, „A new Europe with England“. The article deals with Britain’s current and historic problems with the Europeans and vice versa. He wants the British to remain in the EU but agrees that the treaty on both sides sthould be renegotiated on a new basis.

British/European problems are an old story. We refer here to the special arrangement that allows the British to contribute less to the common budget, a legacy of long standing hostility in wide circles of the British public. A new problem appearing on the orizon is the fear of voters on the part of pro-European parties or pro-European sectors of the major parties, particularly in light of the looming plebiscite on EU-membership scheduled for some time in 2017. Now Mr. Cameron has another problem entirely of his own making. Moreover, now not just pro-European British but also oher members of the EU are frightened. What does this situation mean for the rest of Europe?

In addition England particularly close relation with the USA. this relations are absolutely fundamental for the British.

Meanwhile the EU must confront a declining population and an declining economic power and as a consequence, al declining appeal of membership to third parties such as Norwah an old memberstates like Sweden.

Bahr now says that England can continue the special relationship with the USA (for example for the close intelligence cooperation), but Britain must nor make further use of its optin out mechanism. This would solve both problems at the same time. In its entity this would be consistent with the existing European treaties. In Bah’s opinion these treaties should be modified or enlarged. Then all parties would be satisfied.

The critical point of Bahr’s argument resides precisely in this last point: the foundation of the partnership is arranged through treaties. Anything additional follows after that. However, the existing treaties are already often complicated enough. And they often push possible solutions to problems to heir limit, which is to say problems that either caanot be solved through existing treaties or only resolved unsatisfactorily.

Let us take one of the most urgent problems facing Europeans: the current conflict with Russia over the Ukraine. Let’s assume we already had a European army with a unified European command. What wold be the likelihood for us and the Ukrainians - and for the Russians themselves - if our European army coluld put crazy Putin back in his box. Just take into account the very existence of such a army. If one asks the many Russians who live in Germany what they think of Putin and the situation in theier homeland, the majority are likely to respond: You Europeans, if only you were stronger, would be the only ones capable of making Putin see sense. The last thing our beloved Russian motherland needs is a quarrel with the Ukraine. To which we Europeans would be inclined to respond, we would hope not to have to be the only ones.

Unfortunately such an army cannnot be raised within the framework of existing treaties. And no new treatiy of this kind likely to be concluded. In Germany alone such is prohibited on constisutional grounds.

This example alone shows that the command of the hour is not endless changes to existing treaties, but rather the re-foundation of a new European constitution. One can already hear the answer of the European-friendly „realists“ - that we cannot do, it will never happen, we need a solution that can be implemented immediately.

Dear Egon Bahr, may one say, is this all you can offer? Bahr himself writes in his article, at any rate. This would be enough to drive Willy Brandt (no less) to desperation. One can only say, if there are difficulties, what, after all, is our polical class for if not to address such problems. It is somewhat similar to a goal keeper, who out of fear of a penalty spoils the entire game for his own team.

One feels like saying to Egon Bahr, as indeed to many others who suffer from Europe-fatigue, don’t fuss with little steps; do what you really want - the creation of genuine European unity, naturally with the British included.