This poem written by Friedrich von Schiller was set to music for the 9. Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven. It represents the spirit of joy for Europe that moves us „friends of Europe“ forward. The joy for the idea of the United States of Europe.
How much blood, sweat and tears have been shed to prevent this state, to create this state or despair on the nonexistence of this state.
O friends. Not these sounds. but let us strike up more pleasant sounds and more joyfull.
Joy, o wondrous spark divine,
dougther of Elysium,
Drunk with fire now we enter
Heavenly one, your holy shrine.
Your magic powers join again
What fashion strictly did divide;
Brotherhood unites all men
Where your gentle wings spread wide.
cited from: Booklet zu Harnoncourt, Beethoven, 9 Symphonies, Teldec Classics, 1991, Seite 128