Germany's new Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck said in his first speech immediately after his election that he finally felt he was a part of Europa when he 1990 had had his first free election in the former GDR. Joachim Gauck - so we think - means, he was a part of Free Europe. For Mr. Gauck freedom is one of our highest values and he identifies Europe with Freedom. He is right. Europe without freedom is nothing.
Why don't the European citizens finally take their freedom to give Europe a proper constitution? There are only many contracts and agreements.
And why don't Europeans require urgently their free, united, social an democratic Europe? Some Europeans say, Europe can't break apart because there are too many links between them. In those states where the Euro is the official currency nobody can pay the bill if Europe collapses. In other words they say Europe will more and more grow together.
So let us hope they will be right.
But it is better we take our freedom now - for Mr. Gauck a highly appreciated value - and say loudly what a Europe we want to have instead of having a stop and go in Europe. We want to have one elected European government. The government's one and only duty is to care fore our welfare.